Sunday, October 25, 2009

Web Awareness & Mind Mapping

This is a web awareness mind map. Educational? I think so!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Surfing the web for inspiration

Title of Activity: Astro Adventure-Discovering our solar system

Stidwill, Peter. (2004). Astro Adventure. Retrieved October 12, 2009, from

Grade Level: 6

Subject: Science (Sky Science)

Brief Description of activity:
Students will go to the website by typing the URL into their internet browser. They will work through the four stages in the Astro Adventure game. They will print off the certificate they receive, after they have completed the stages and discovered the “damaged file”. If they have time left they may continue on, play the asteroid blasting game, and then move on to the discovery lab section.

General learner outcomes (GLOs):
· Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern and order in these movements.

Specific learner outcomes (SLOs):
· Recognize that the Sun and stars emit the light by which they are seen and that most other bodies in space, including Earth’s Moon, planets and their moons, comets, and asteroids, are seen by reflected light.
· Describe seasonal changes in the length of the day and night and in the angle of the Sun above the horizon.
· Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify examples of those differences.
· Understand that Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a solar system that occupies only a tiny part of the known universe.

Most Relevant ICT Outcomes:
C.1.2.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resources locations (URLs)
C2.2.1 seek responses to inquiries from various authorities through electronic media
C.6.2.5 solve problems requiring the sorting, organizing, classifying and extending of data, using such tools as calculators, spreadsheets, databases or hypertext technology
F.6.2.3 use peripherals, including printers and scanners

Rationale for Computer Integration:
The integration of technology, or computers, into this assignment will allow students to work at their own pace. The activity provides the students with accurate information and ample review of the material. Visuals are used in an effective way to enhance learning. The game is interactive, keeping the students focused on the task, and allowing room for exploration. The fact that they are working individually on computers gives students the opportunity to be in control of their own learning, which will ideally enhance their learning experience and encourage responsibility.